Up Mountains and down to the beautiful Ghost Ranch scenery and bluegrass.
The day the group of hikers and me left the Del Prado “mice-tel” in Cuba we climbed 4050 feet to a camp at 10550 feet surrounded by large patches of snow. It was my first experience of snow on this hike. Hiking to that elevation was no problem except for the climbing effort and willingness to endure cold, wet feet from the rapidly melting snow.

The weather has turned warmer and I am confident the snowmelt is progressing more rapidly up north. But the camp in a high forest in the San Pedro Peaks Wilderness felt freezing. We made the best of it by building a campfire and eating our evening meals together. I really enjoyed the setting and the camaraderie. Many of us will enter the snowy high country a week north of here at the same time.

The following day, May 20, the CDT descended rapidly into drier and warmer high desert as we drew nearer to the famous Ghost Ranch and it’s beautiful cliffs.

The site is famous, but I love the fact that two of my favorite movies were filmed there: Silverado and the Eiger Sanction. I was amused to walk up to the poolside area where Clint Eastwood punched out a rival spy’s bodyguard!

Back to hiking, I concluded the two days of climbing and descending the San Pedro Peaks Wilderness were the most exhausting of the hike. The numbers below are the evidence to explain why my feet and ankles are tender today at Ghost Ranch, where we are treated this evening to a bluegrass concert!

The Stats:
Day 32, May 19: 16 miles (Gain 4050 / Loss 400)
Day 33, May 20: 24 miles (G 2230 / L 6260)
Day 34, May 21: 13 miles (G 840 / L 750)
The updates are great, Roger! The scenery is spectacular!
Are you still wearing those brilliant white NewBalance walking shoes? The new boots waiting for you in Chama might not be as sexy but could make a big difference. Hope so.
David and I want more pictures of your feet but otherwise are enjoying your evocative scenery and intriguing people photos.
I was cursing those New Balance shoes once they started hurting the tops of my feet. Horrible in the mud, too, which there was plenty of due to melting snow. Looking forward to real boot for Colorado!
Love hearing the details of your hike in seeing the pictures. You’re looking pretty serious, Roger. Hope your feet are doing OK. You’re covering a lot of miles and up-and-down mountains. I was at the pool where they filmed the movie Sandlot last summer. It’s kind of fun to be in a place where “history “took place.
I wish I could say “Sure wish I Was There”
But I Don’t. Love the scenery and the updates. You are sure holding your own. Take good care of yourself and stay strong.
Great pictures Roger! Looks like it is going well. Beautiful scenery!
Enjoying the ride, Roger. Liked the Toaster Hostel. Looks like the stretch to Chama is going to be beautiful.
Over a month already. Glad to hear about The Angels on the trails. The pictures say a lot of words. Pretty hard climbing but you are still hanging in there. Keep the feet dry!
You look good. PS The Mariners are still in first place. Doing great lots of home runs.
BTW, El-Nino has rapidly weakened and we could be in a La-Nina pattern by Fall according to NOAA. They are also predicting slightly warmer and slightly wetter conditions this summer in the areas you will be hiking in to.
Wow, with those stats no wonder you are tired and your feet and ankles are tender! Your boots will be waiting for you in Chama along with another surprise. Hopefully both will help with the climbing and snow to come. You are doing great. Almost done with New Mexico! Yeah!!! XXOOXX