July 6 and 7 were relatively easy hiking days as I completed the descent from the Bald Mountain area for the overnight stay at the old Sterling Inn in Caratunk. The crossing of the wide Kennebec River on a canoe that ferries AT hikers safely across is a unique feature of the AT experience in Maine! That was followed by a 14 mile hike past large East, Middle and West Carry ponds.

But the challenging Bigelow Preserve area was next. On July 8 I joined fellow senior hikers Billy Shea and Tony Sinico, who both retired from their careers this year, same as me. The AT ascended up to the 3040′ Little Bigelow Mountain and rewarded us with views of the surrounding area and lakes. More importantly, the next mountains, Avery, West Peak and the Horns are next. The first two peaks are visible in the photo, below.

Weather will add to the drama tomorrow. As I write this in my tent the rain has started and more is expected as Tony, Billy and I make a 2,000 foot ascent to the highest elevation since I climbed Mt. Katahdin on Day 1! Time for sleep to be ready for that!

Hi Rog. Love your journey so far♀️
Nice to see a picture of the AT “ferry” after hearing about it all these years.
So far so good! Hope you don’t see a direct hit from Elsa. Godspeed!
The weather was not bad! The rain stopped early in the morning.
And I thought the AT was just old rolling hills!