Day 116, 16-Oct. Milepost: 1369.9 miles, Daily: 17.4, Ascent: 5010′, Descent: 5210′, Highest: 4080′. Camp: Seeley-Woodworth Shelter, Washington National Forest, 3770′. Awesome sunrise while descending Three Ridges, followed by 3000′ ascent to The Priest ridge. 25 mph wind gusts and much cooler temperature. 62.5% of AT miles hiked.
It was the most scenic sunrise I have witnessed on the AT hike so far. Starting the days hike before sunrise gives me opportunities to watch the sun rise if I have a view through trees or on overlooks. The weather has been clear and cold in the mornings lately.

Best view i have ever seen !
Beautiful scenery and you look healthy. Hope not too much rain on the way. You are sure making good time. Keep safe MarianOO
Absolutely gorgeous! Good way to start my day in Oregon!
Onward, Roger!