Where is “there?” Well, Springer Mountain, Georgia and the completion of the AT. On November 4 I walked past a sign that marked that milestone. Now it is up to me to hike the remaining 25%. Over 500 miles remains and I am determined to finish by December 15. The weather is getting colder, days much shorter now. For that reason I am going to cut back on the blog posts. In the evenings now it is more important to sleep and rest my body instead of typing text and uploading photos. I will continue to update the daily log, and you can track my hourly position on the InReach map. The links are below:
See my real-time location produced by the InReach unit I carry and a daily log of my progress on the trail.
If you are using Instagram or Facebook I will post a few photos when time and energy allow.

You are doing so well. Keep trekking the end is in site. You should be so proud of yourself.
Admiring your grit, Roger. I too have been thinking of you when I step out into the damp cold of an Oregon morning. Trusting your determination will fire you step by step. Onward!!
24 degrees this AM in the valleys of the northern climes. Stay warm, and hopefully the balmy south will treat you well! Enjoy each moment!
It took me so long to get through the Smokies because going into Fontana Dam is where I tore that ligament. So planned 15 mile days became less than 10. Smokies aren’t that tough unless you get really nasty weather. You will go in and out of tricky footing and really easy walking for the rest of the way. You probably won’t get much surprise water so pay attention to that. I think I remember the easy stuff because I made me so happy Gooooo Greg in Wild !!!!!! You are going great.
Safe travels and take care of yourself!
It is getting cooler here in Iowa day by day. We are flirting with the low 30s some overnights. I can certainly understand that one wants to keep moving along. Hike ON!