I hiked through 77 miles of the Great Smokies National Park in five days. The elevation was as high as 6,610 feet, the weather was cold and icy one day. But the rest of the time it was very pleasant.

Here is a summary since my last post:
Day 158, 27-Nov. Milepost: 1974.9 Daily: 12.9 Ascent: 3125′, Descent: 2580′, Highest: 6310′. Camp: Peck’s Corner Shelter, GSNP, 5280′. Cold day, icy places on trail. I felt sluggish due to stomach distress. Hope for a rebound tomorrow.
Day 159, 28-Nov. Milepost: 1995.9, Daily: 21.0, Ascent: 5070′, Descent: 4935′, Highest: 6670′. Camp: Double Spring Gap Shelter, GSNP, 5485′. Crossed highway at Newfound Gap in GSNP and climbed to Clingmans Dome, 6615′, highest place on the AT. I extended mileage beyond original plan to perhaps hike through GSNP in 5 days instead of 6. Eating more calories the evening before helped.
Day 160, 29-Nov. Milepost: 2012.3, Daily: 16.4, Ascent: 4060′, Descent: 5330′ Highest: 5565′. Camp: Russell Field Shelter, GSNP 4345′. Woke to ice on the tent, about 20 degrees and windy. It remained below freezing most of the day until I reached camp at lower elevation.
Day 161, 30-Nov. Milepost: 2027.4, Daily: 15.1, Ascent: 2425′, Descent: 5025′, Highest: 4750′. Camp: Fontana Dam Shelter, 1780′. Weather was much warmer as I joyfully descended to Fontana Lake and the shelter referred to as the Fontana Hilton! Completed the hike through the Smokies in five days!

Are you able to sleep and stay at night when it’s cold?
Stay warm….
My 10 degree sleeping bag kept we very comfortable!
Roger – You got this! Congratulations on a fantastic journey, and thank you for your updates and photos.
Congratulations Roger.
You are getting near the end of your journey and what a journey it has been. Thank you for sharing.what an accomplishment . The best to you. ❤️♀️
Roger, you’re amazing. Can’t wait to hear all of the stories when you return. Take care.
We are having a warm spell here in the South for the next week or so, which will hopefully make your last few weeks rather pleasant! Estimated temp Saturday in Ellijay (GA) – Springer Mtn is in the 70s!
Happy Hiking and Congrats – you are almost finished!
My admiration Roger. You are the best. Thank you for sharing this exciting adventure.
Yes!!! Great job getting through the the Smokies like that. Do have to resupply at Fontana Dam? Next stop probably Franklin. Then straight to Neale Gap. Holy Cow you are almost there. Hope the weather stays good. It’s cold ,I know,but at least not snowing. I think it’s 130 more miles. And the last 30 are a cruise. You’ll like that down hill into Nantahala. Good Veggie Burgers in the restaurant
You are doing amazing
Way to go Roger! Almost home!
Congratulations, Roger. That’s the section I expected would be your most difficult. Hilking the Smokies in November is an incredible achievement.