The day started nicely as I hiked up the next ridge to 3,000 feet from the campsite at 1,850′. The eyes of a not-so-shy deer reflected back toward me as my headlamp aimed in its direction. The top of the first ridge was level and mellow for several miles before descending to a valley. With a goal to hike 16 miles to the Sarver Hollow Shelter I climbed to the top of a 3,400′ ridge with some urgency because rain was forecast to begin at 3 or 4 pm. I enjoyed some fall colors as I hurried along the trail which had occasional nasty rock slabs reminiscent of New Hampshire. Rain began to fall shortly after 3pm, but the heavy rain started just as I reached the shelter, which provided an escape from the storm for the night. Tomorrow the weather is expected to be very nice!