I really did it. On a nice sunny and breezy day I arrived at Springer Mountain in Georgia at 11:41am on December 15, 2021. Cindy and our friend Sharon hiked up to Springer Mountain along the Approach Trail and arrived at the same time as I did.

Roger Carpenter – Greg In Wild
Living with a sense of adventure
I really did it. On a nice sunny and breezy day I arrived at Springer Mountain in Georgia at 11:41am on December 15, 2021. Cindy and our friend Sharon hiked up to Springer Mountain along the Approach Trail and arrived at the same time as I did.
The weather is perfect…enabling me to savor the last few glorious days on the Appalachian Trail. I am embracing some special moments: seeing a Spotted Towhee, my favorite bird which are rarely seen on the AT but numerous in Oregon; conversations with other hikers who are passionate about this trail and curious about my thru-hike; the clear sky at night with the moon, planets and stars illuminating my campsites; owls hooting; the incredible sunrises and sunsets; and simply walking!
Since I last posted on December 8 I hiked 16.7 miles from Dick’s Creek Gap to Unicoi Gap, a section that looked easy on the map. In reality the altimeter watch I wear indicated I climbed 5,295 feet, many of which were steep. Only on three other days did the ascent exceed what I did on December 10. It’s no wonder I was tired! Lisa, the owner of Hostel Around the Bend, drove to Unicoi Gap and returned me to the hostel. I will resume hiking on December 12. The zero days at the hostel are conveniently timed for the rainy weather on the 10th and 11th. Along the 51 miles to Springer Mountain sunny and mild weather will inspire my footsteps to the completion of the Appalachian Trail!
Yesterday, December 9, there were no panoramic views or small things that inspired me to capture images for the blog. However, as I got closer to and crossed into Georgia I noticed the unusual and somewhat funny names of places on trail signs. I am devoting the images posted here to those signs and others I photographed during the last few days.
69 miles! That is all that remains of the Appalachian Trail for me to hike between today, December 8, and December 15, the day Cindy will meet me at Springer Mountain. There were signs that the end of my journey was near. I crossed the place on the AT that was just 100 miles from Springer Mountain. Soon after that was the border between North Carolina and Georgia, the final state to enjoy.
The southern border of Great Smokies National Park represented a transition on this 2,193 mile hike. Going forward from there it is only 168 miles to Springer Mountain, the southern terminus of the AT. As of today its even fewer, 151 miles! The mountains will be lower than the Smokies, although sometimes just as steep. I will finish on December 15 when my lovely wife Cindy will meet me at Springer Mountain. I really look forward to our reunion! The schedule enables a welcome level of flexibility for my hiking to the finish.
My mind wanders as I walk these near-the-end miles, often landing on a larger perspective of the journey.