December 15, Day 176: Springer Mountain and the completion of the Appalachian Trail!

I really did it. On a nice sunny and breezy day I arrived at Springer Mountain in Georgia at 11:41am on December 15, 2021. Cindy and our friend Sharon hiked up to Springer Mountain along the Approach Trail and arrived at the same time as I did.

December 15, 2021 on Springer Mountain, Georgia

During the last few days of hiking I savored the Appalachian Trail, its culture and history, and felt very satisfied that I hiked the trail well.

I will write more in the coming days. I have so much to express, but for now I need rest and time with my lovely wife Cindy!

I am a Triple Crowner!
June 23, 2021 on Mt. Katahdin, Maine

Day 175, 14-Dec. Milepost: 2185.7, Daily: 16.5, Ascent: 3705′, Descent: 3460′, Highest: 3685′. Camp: Hawk Mtn Campsite  3245′. 7.3 MILES TO SPRINGER!  Last night in camp after hiking in perfect sunny, warm weather.  Had nice talks with day hikers and section hikers.

Day 175, 14-Dec. Milepost: 2185.7, Daily: 16.5, Ascent: 3705′, Descent: 3460′, Highest: 3685′. Camp: Hawk Mtn Campsite  3245′. 7.3 MILES TO SPRINGER!  Last night in camp after hiking in perfect sunny, warm weather.  Had nice talks with day hikers and section hikers.

23 thoughts on “December 15, Day 176: Springer Mountain and the completion of the Appalachian Trail!”

  1. Congratulations on completing the AT and becoming a Triple Crowner!! I enjoyed meeting you during our thru hike, wondering when we would see you again and where. Again congrats. Savor your accomplishment and now you can finally go home and rest Happy Trails!!

    Steve “Splinter” Riley

  2. Congratulations Greg in Wild. Was very nice meeting you on the trail and chatting a bit. Splinter and I (Turtle Power) finished our Ultimate Platinum Slack Pack Thru Hike on October 9th in Harpers Ferry.

  3. Congratulations Roger! I enjoyed reading about your trek over the past months…truly inspirational! Have a great Christmas and enjoy some well-deserved rest.

    1. Thanks, and good to hear from you. It was fun writing on the blog knowing it was being viewed by you and a few others from Lottery.

  4. Congratulations! You give us old geezers inspiration! Love the crown, wear with pride. You are now an honorary Northern New Englander, so watch you step! Enjoy your time home and with Cindy, well deserved.

  5. Heartfelt congratulations Roger! Thanks for sharing the grit and grandeur with us. The Christmas season will be restful and grand!! Enjoy!

  6. This is a big event, a big success, Roger – congratulations! It has been very-very INSPIRING! You “interrupted” a routine course of our lives with your notes full of optimism. “Whatever happens in the world Roger hikes on!”. Something very self-sufficient. Just good!

    1. Thank you, Ksenia! Back in 2016 while hiking 100s of miles on the Continental Divide Trail with a painful knee I finished many blog entries with “Hike On! Thankfully my knees or any other parts of me did NOT hurt during the AT hike. I am very pleased you interpreted the slogan as optimism, the energy that kept me moving forward.

  7. Congratulations Roger–you did it! You’ll have to change your trail name to “Man of Steel”!

  8. Congratulations Roger!!!

    You have had a great trip and we have enjoyed reading about it.

    And I would like to welcome you to the Triple Crown club.

    Papa Raven

  9. So very proud of you Greg in Wild! Congratulations for the Triple Crown!

  10. Wonderful ~ Congratulations!
    Look forward to seeing you in neighborhood!

  11. Congratulations Roger!!! You completed the AT and earned your Triple Crown. Well done!

  12. Wonderful – just wonderful!!!!
    Enjoy your time with lovely Cindy too!!

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